Raventos i Blanc de Nit featured in the New York Times


New York Times

Raventos i Blanc de Nit

In this week's edition of The Pour, Eric Asimov highlights 20 Autumn Wines for $20 - his wrap up of "Wines Worth Dropping a $20 Bill as Easily as an Autumn Leaf," which included the 2009 Raventos i Blanc de Nit Rose.

Speaking generally, he writes, "Color is not the most significant factor in drinking seasonally — it’s texture and weight. Nights grow longer and days shorter, but like reds and whites, we still have both. Think seasonally." On the de Nit in particular, "Spain produces an ocean of cheap cava, the sparkling wine guzzled throughout the country. Much of it is forgettable, but this pale rosé (make that rosato) is elegant, nuanced and fresh, with balanced, persistent flavors."

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